Municipal Building Address:
6312 East Main St., Turin, NY
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 223, Turin, NY 13473
Contact Information:
Village Mayor: Josh Leviker at (315) 376-3741 or cell at (315)391-5405
Village Clerk: Terry Dunn at (315) 348-8838 or
Municipal Building phone: (315)348-8782
Court phone: There is no Village Court, contact Carrie Kubinski, Town of Turin Justice at (315) 348-6073; fax: (315)348-4565
Village DPW phone: Thomas Smith, Superintendent at (315) 348-4419 or cell at (315)486-9289
Village Board Meets:
6:00 pm the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Municipal Building on East Main St.
Planning Board Meets:
As Needed
Zoning Board of Appeals Meets:
As Needed
Additional Information:
The Village of Turin is located in Lewis County just east of the Village of Lyons Falls, northwest of the Village of Port Leyden and north of the Village of Constableville. NYS Route 26 runs through the Village from north to south.